A new year is starting and so is a new scripture study for Come, Follow Me. I am so excited! The Old Testament is tied with the Book of Mormon for my favorite scriptures to teach and study. We learn about the covenants the Lord makes with His people. We learn about repentance, redemption, faith, forgiveness, and so much more. There are many people whose stories are told in the Old Testament (and Pearl of Great Price) from Adam and Eve to Abraham and Sarah, from Job to Jonah, from Deborah to the Daughters of Onitah, from Samuel to Shadrach, from Hagar to Hannah. I hope they become your friends and associates in the gospel of Jesus Christ just as they have become mine.

The format for the resources will be different this year. I will keep the age groups but also try to incorporate the topics for each week listed in every manual: Individuals and Families, Primary, and Sunday School. This might change a little as the year goes on as I fine tune how it will look.
As usual, all links will be to free resources. I’ve learned over the years that teaching the gospel can and should be simple. You don’t need fancy elaborate lessons. You don’t even need to pay for extras. The church has already produced so many resources for parents and teachers and it’s all free. Most of the links on this website will point to church produced or church approved sites.
You will find the master list of posts at this page. It will be updated weekly with a link for the latest post. I will try to get them posted by Sunday evening at the latest because the weekly readings begin on Mondays.
Thank you.