Do you know . . .
Which apostle enjoys opera?
Who grew up on a dairy farm?
Who served in the Japan Fukuoka Mission?
Which apostle learned to bake bread at 13?
Here are two files to download and print out for your family. Hang them up and get to know a little more about the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles before General Conference this weekend!

This file is taken from the May 2018 Friend. Match the pictures with facts about each person.

The following file includes infographics with a lot more information about the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles.
One General Conference tradition we have is our General Conference Wall. We hang up pictures or posters of each apostle near our TV. We have pages for other speakers too. Everyone gets their own color of post-it notes to write or draw something they learned from the speaker and then we place those post-it notes on the picture. We use them later at family home evening to review what we learned in General Conference. The infographics would be perfect for this!
What traditions do you have for General Conference?
Love all of your resources! Thanks so much! I’m wondering if there is way to have the apostle infographic pages saved as a jpeg so they could be printed as photos?
I was wondering if you have an updated version of the apostle infographics that includes Elder Kearon? These are so fun! My kids love them!
Thank you!