“I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel.”
{Russell M. Nelson}

The April 2020 General Conference will be here soon! This study guide will help you follow President Russell M. Nelson’s invitation to “immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration. . . It is your personal preparation that will help April’s general conference become for you not only memorable but unforgettable. The time to act is now. This is a hinge point in the history of the Church, and your part is vital.“
To make it easier to keep track of the countdown it was decided to keep to the first thirty days in March. I suppose we could have just said “30 days to General Conference, 29 days to General Conference, etc.” but that can be confusing. Doing it this way also gives you a little extra time in case you miss a few days to catch up before General Conference begins.
Topics covered in this study guide are the First Vision, Moroni’s visits to Joseph Smith, the coming forth of The Book of Mormon, Emma Smith, the restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods, witnesses to the Book of Mormon, the organization of the Church, the Kirtland Temple, temple work, the Relief Society, and Joseph Smith.
Every single link in this guide is to a church produced source.
March 1 – Read How the Lord Prepared the World for the Restoration by President M. Russell Ballard. Hindsight really helps us recognize how the Lord prepared a way for certain things to happen. Reflect on blessing you have now. What things had to happen “just so” for you to be where you are now?
March 2 – Read James 1:5-7. What does James teach about receiving revelation? Why did Joseph receive such a remarkable vision when many others have prayed with faith without seeing the Father and Son? Read The First Vision: A Pattern for Revelation by President Henry B. Eyring.
March 3 – Read Joseph Smith History 1:1-20.
March 4 – Watch Ask of God: Joseph Smith’s First Vision which includes details from each of the accounts of the First Vision given by Joseph Smith.
March 5 – Write down some truths that were restored or revealed because of Joseph’s vision. Read the Ensign article Eight Truths from the First Vision. How does your list compare?
March 6 – Read the article Moroni: Joseph Smith’s Tutor. What lessons did Joseph learn from Moroni? How did these experiences change life for the Smith family?
March 7 – Bruce R. McConkie taught, “The Lord never sends apostles and prophets and righteous men to minister to his people without placing women of like spiritual stature at their sides. … The exaltation of the one is dependent upon that of the other.” Read about Emma Hale Smith. These two articles are very good – Emma Hale Smith and My Great-Great-Grandmother Emma Hale Smith. What traits and attributes did Emma have that helped the church as it was just beginning? How did Emma and Joseph help and treat one another?
March 8 – Watch Episode 7 – The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon from the Joseph Smith Papers. (28:38 minutes)
March 9 – Read Doctrine & Covenants 13 and Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood in the Church History Topics. How have the ordinances of the Aaronic priesthood blessed your life?
March 10 – Read Doctrine & Covenants 27:12-13 about the coming of Peter, James, and John to restore the Melchizedek Priesthood. Read Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood in the Church History Topics. How have the ordinances of the Melchizedek priesthood blessed your life?
March 11 – Watch Episode 9 – Restoration of the Priesthoods from the Joseph Smith Papers. (28:35) It examines the conferral of divine authority by heavenly beings upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and the importance of those events to later developments.
March 12 – Read The Testimony of the Three Witnesses located in the front of the Book of Mormon. Read the article The Experience of the Three Witnesses.
March 13 – Read the New Era article The Last Witness of the Three Witnesses
March 14 – Read The Testimony of the Eight Witnesses located in the front of the Book of Mormon. What is different about their witness than that of the Three Witnesses?
March 15 – Read Fellow Servants, chapter 7 in Saints Volume 1 about all the witnesses to the Gold Plates, including Mary Whitmer. How did receiving a witness help Mary? Watch this video about her experience created by the Church History Department.
March 16 – Watch Episode 13 – Book of Mormon Printing and Editions from the Joseph Smith Papers. (28:38)
March 17 – Read Doctrine and Covenants 17. How does Jesus Christ give his witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon? Why is it so important that you know the Book of Mormon is the word of God?
March 18 – Make a list of ten or more truths we understand more clearly because we have the Book of Mormon. Read Plain and Precious Truths Restored and see if your lists is similar to the one in the article.
March 19 – Read the article April 6, 1830: The Day the Church was Organized.
March 20 -Read The Calling of the Restoration’s Original Apostles in the October 2017 Ensign. For further study you can read ‘And He Gave Some Apostles.’ to learn more about the duties and callings of apostles.
March 21 – Sixteen years after the First Vision, the Saints built a temple in Kirtland, Ohio. Read Doctrine & Covenants 110 to discover which ancient prophets visited Joseph Smith and restored priesthood keys.
March 22 – Watch Episode 27 – Endowment of Power and Solemn Assembly which takes a look at the events that took place in the temple at Kirtland and how those events shaped the church.
March 23 – Read Baptism for the Dead to learn how this practice was first taught and restored in Nauvoo by Joseph Smith. Have you gone to the temple to do baptisms for your ancestors? If so, write about an experience you had. How did you feel?
March 24 – Read “Something Better”: The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo to learn more about the organization of the Relief Society in March 1842. How has the Relief Society organization helped you and your family?
March 25 – Watch Episode 44 – Foundations of the Women’s Relief Society which discusses the history of the Relief Society and its evolution from a sewing society to provide clothing for men laboring on the temple to a multifaceted society founded on the principle of charity.
March 26 – Read The Unfolding Restoration of Temple Work in the December 2001 Ensign. What blessings have you received because of the temple?
March 27 – Read Endowed with Covenants and Blessings in the February 1995 Ensign.
March 28 – Read Doctrine & Covenants 131:1-4 and Doctrine & Covenants 132:1-24 about Eternal Marriage. How can an eternal perspective influence the way we feel about marriage and families?
March 29 – Write down at least five ways your life has been blessed because of Joseph Smith. Read Because of Joseph Smith from the April 2015 New Era.
March 30 – Read The Ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith in the July 1999 Ensign. It is a good summary of everything Joseph Smith accomplished in his lifetime.
BONUS – In a journal write what you have learned about Joseph Smith and his role as THE prophet of the Restoration. Express how the events of the Restoration have blessed your life.
You did it!
The Restoration is continuing today! President Russell M. Nelson said, “We are witnesses to the process of restoration. If you think the Church is fully restored, you’re just seeing the beginning. There’s much more to come. Wait until next year, and then the next year. Eat your vitamins, get your rest. It’s going to be exciting!” Have a great General Conference!
This is really going to help my husband and I to prepare. Thank you for all the work you put into doing this!
Thank you so very much for such a wonderful resource for us to follow and learn. We have no excuse for not studying–it is all there in front of us to use. Thank you, again.
This is awesome! Thank you for all your hard work! I will enjoy studying more carefully before conference!
Thank you SO much for putting this together! I’m loving it!
My sister sent me this link. I live in DC. Your work is bearing fruit near and far. Thank you!
“My sheep will hear my voice.”
Will we prepare ourselves to belong to the fold? The Savior has shown the way that we may return to Our Father in heaven.
He is our father. He is approachable. He is familiar to us but we must respect him.
Your website is amazing and I appreciate so much all of the work you do. I have seen other study materials and I love this and the variety of materials that you’ve provided. You were definitely inspired to have a website
Where can I go to see the pictures of Emma listed at the end of the article?
Since it is an old article the pictures are not shown. I did upload pictures to our facebook group on that day’s reading. You might be able to see them here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/agospelcenteredhome/permalink/217460299408082/
This has been a wonderful journey! Thank you for all your work to put so many good questions and reading material in one place!
You are so welcome! Glad it has helped you.
You are an amazing woman! Thank you for your talent of organization! We happened upon your website just prior to the corona virus and my husband and I have had the time to enjoy reading and studying your 30 day study guide on the restoration. The many articles you have pulled from churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign articles have been so inspiring and informative. You have blessed so many lives with your talents and sharing. Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words! I am so excited for General Conference to hear what our leaders have to say. I’m guessing it will be full of hope and positive encouragement.
This guide has helped reignite my testimony of the Restoration and of this gospel. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
Thanks SO much for putting this together and sharing it with all of us!! It’s fabulous and super helpful as I try to study the restoration. 🙂
I learned Sooooooo much and things I knew before came flooding back. I plan to go back through this again and again. I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, I’m grateful to be a member of this great latter day church and witness the blessing our Father has for those who love him.
My mother and I discovered this about halfway through March and as a family we completed all 30 days of this Restoration preparation before watching the conference. It’s been an awesome conference so far, and quite a few of the things we’ve learned from it have been discussed in the gospel talks/videos you found, and it’s been an amazing spiritual experience for all of us. Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you for putting up all of this! I appreciate your work and effort in doing this. However, some links (article) are not working for me 🙁
I’m sorry to hear the links aren’t working for you. I just checked them all and they worked for me. Maybe try clearing your browsing data and cookies cache?