This lesson is easy. Watch the video Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration. (1:02:04)
If you have little children who won’t sit through the whole movie download this Joseph Smith Timeline (page 1 and page 2 They go side by side.) and talk about each event.
Alternative Family Home Evening: Do this Sing a Song of Joseph. You need to gather the pictures and have a music app to help you with the songs. Fun way to wrap up learning about Joseph Smith!
Color Joseph Smith Saw and Testified of Jesus Christ
Color this picture of The Prophet Joseph
Cut out the Joseph Smith Finger Scenes to help your little one tell the story of Joseph Smith and the Restoration.
Do this Sing a Song of Joseph (different from the one above). Pictures are already included!
1. Read Important Places in the Life of Joseph Smith to learn about and see pictures of some of the places in Joseph Smith’s life.
2. Listen to Joseph Smith and His Family to hear a discuss between a Primary teacher and children.
3. Color and cut out these scripture figures to tell the story of Joseph Smith’s Operation.
4. Read Lessons From the Prophet Joseph by Henry B. Eyring. Includes two activities.
5. Listen to Joseph and Emma as a Primary class discusses how Emma helped Joseph.
6. Do this Life of Joseph Smith activity. Cut out the pictures and match them to the description of events in Joseph’s life.
7. Partial Pictures Match scriptures with scenes from Joseph Smith’s life.
8. Listen to The Prophet is Killed to learn about the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith.
1. Watch Who was Joseph Smith? | Now You Know for brief overview of his life.
2. Write down at least five ways your life has been blessed because of Joseph Smith. Read Because of Joseph Smith from the April 2015 New Era.
3. Read The Greatness of Joseph Smith and His Remarkable Visions from the December 1973 New Era.
4. Read The Ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith in the July 199 Ensign. It is a good summary of everything Joseph Smith accomplished in his lifetime.
1. Read a BYU Devotional on Joseph Smith. Already divided into sections on that page making it easier for you to decide which one to read.
2. Read The Ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith in the July 199 Ensign. It is a good summary of everything Joseph Smith accomplished in his lifetime.
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