Give the following quiz to see what your family already knows about the organization of the Church. They can check their answers as they watch the video “Organization of the Church. “
Give children this picture, The Church Was Organized, to color while you read the rest of the lesson to them.
Joseph Smith received two important revelations in April 1830 concerning how the Church should be organized. These revelations, published now as Doctrine and Covenants 20 and 21, told Joseph to organize the Church as Jesus Christ had organized his church when he lived on the earth.
The Lord revealed to the Prophet the exact day on which the Church should be organized (see D&C 20, section heading and verse 1). An organization meeting was held on Tuesday, 6 April 1830, at the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. in Fayette, New York. About sixty people came to this meeting, which Joseph Smith conducted.
The state of New York required a church to have six official members before it could be legally organized. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had been baptized on the day they received the Aaronic Priesthood, and later Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer Jr., Samuel H. Smith, and David Whitmer had been baptized. These men were the first official members of the Church. All of these men had seen the gold plates and had testimonies that Joseph Smith was a prophet and the person through whom Jesus Christ would restore his church.
After a prayer, Joseph asked the people at the meeting if they accepted him and Oliver as their teachers and spiritual leaders. Everyone said yes by raising their hands (as we do in the Church today when we sustain people to callings). Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery then ordained each other to the office of elder. Joseph and Oliver administered the sacrament to the people at the meeting, and after that they confirmed those who had been baptized and gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost. Now Jesus Christ’s true church was restored and organized on the earth again. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s restored church and teaches the same gospel that Jesus taught when he lived on the earth.
Activity – Use this infographic to discuss more about the official Church Organization at Whitmer Farm.
Activity – Have your family sing or say the words to “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, p. 77). As your family sings, have them listen for two things they know and five things they will do as members of the Church. List these things on a piece of paper; then have your family sing the song again.
Activity – Memorize the Sixth Article of Faith. Use this poster to help.
The following suggestions can be done throughout the week to build on what was taught in the lesson.
1. Read “Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church” pointing to parts of the picture as they are mentioned in the story.
2. Use the scriptures figures in “The Church is Organized” to teach the story. Have your little use the figures to tell you what they remember.
3. Watch “Getting Ready for the Church of Jesus Christ” created from the Doctrine & Covenants Scripture Reader.
4. Watch “Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ” created from the Doctrine & Covenants Scripture Reader.
5. The Savior’s Church Then and Now is printable flannel board story to use in telling the story of Christ establishing His Church in ancient and modern times.
1. Read “Where the Church was Organized” to see pictures of the Peter Whitmer farm.
2. Find the hidden pictures in this illustration, “The Church is Organized in Fayette.”
3. Listen to “Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ” which discuss the Lord’s organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Baptism, the sacrament, and other ordinances are discussed.
4. The Savior’s Church Then and Now is printable flannel board story to use in telling the story of Christ establishing His Church in ancient and modern times.
5. The lesson “I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ” includes a booklet to put together.
6. Read ‘The Correct Name of the Church‘ where President Nelson explains why we should use the full name of the Church.
7. Use this chart to learn facts about “Our Prophet and Apostles Today.”
Teens & Adults
1. Read The Calling of the Restoration’s Original Apostles in the October 2017 Ensign.
2. Read ‘And He Gave Some Apostles.’ to learn more about the duties and callings of apostles.
3. Watch “How the Church of Jesus Christ Is Organized | Now You Know” for a basic overview of church leadership.
4. Read “Fayette: The Place the Church was Organized” to learn more about the official organization of the church.
5. Read “Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ” in the Church History in the Fullness of Times Student Manual.
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